
Protex S1

Alarming security & power for handhelds

rechi retail display security for smartphone

Protex S3

Ideal security for handhelds & tablets

mobile phone security display stand

Protex S5

Alarm stays on the handhelds,1:1 security

mobile phone security display stand

Protex S6

Security solution for handhelds & tablets

rechi retail display security for smartphone

Protex S8

Security solution for handhelds & tablets

rechi retail display security for smartphone

Protex S9

Flat & vertical merchandise display security

rechi retail display security for tablet

Protex T3

Most compatible security with tablets

rechi retail display security for smart watch

Protex SM04

Merchandise security for smart watches

rechi retail display security for smart watch

Protex SM05

Merchandise security for smart watches

rechi retail display security for camera

Protex SC01

Retail merchandise security for cameras

rechi retail anti theft recoiler

Protex PB01

Anti-theft retractor pull box recoiler

rechi retail anti theft recoiler with alarm

Protex PB04

Anti-theft retractor with alarm