Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store
China Electronic New Retail-Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store
What makes me moved is that you can not find one paper price tag or signage,the security solution is wireless security,you can freely experience all Huawei products in a very open and comfortable environment!what’s more,Huawei is the first technology retailer using window display in their store,it is very creative!
RECHI Retail is global leading brand in retail merchandising display solutions for consumer electronic stores,we have built an ecosystem that could provide one stop retail visual merchandising display & security solutions for those who electronic retailers want to open a successful store.
Know more about us and our new solutions,find us at at RECHI’s Alibaba On-line Shop
Huawei’s mission is to bring digital to every person,home and organization for fully connected,intelligent world!
Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store
Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store
Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store
Window Display Demon Huawei’s New Launched Products
ESL Applied In Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store
ESL Applied In Huawei Smart Lifestyle Experience Store